Kasaï Capital Management BV
                            ||Kasaï wa balengela.  ||EN: Kasaï of the beauties.  ||FR: Kasaï des beautés.

'Kinshasa (DRC's capital) by night'. By 'AA Photo' - dailysabah.com.

Why invest in the DRC ?     

With the political will and courage of the current Government and the support it enjoys among the population; with the current global geopolitical situation (competition between the West on the one hand and Russia and China on the other); and with the current human issue of Climate Change and the central role of DRC’s natural resources (rainforest, minerals, etc.) in solving this issue; the conditions are in place for the DRC to regain the leading role in Africa that it played from the 1960s to the mid-1990s; and even to go beyond it.
The change has already begun !

Main sector 1: Mining.

The Energy Transition depends on commodities. Metallic raw materials, such as cobalt, lithium, copper, etc., are particularly important. These are needed to build photovoltaic systems, Wind Turbines, batteries or electric vehicles (EVs), …
Demand and prices for these types of commodities will increase enormously in the coming years, as part of the Ecological or Energy Transition.
The DRC, as one of the richest countries in the world in terms of natural resources, is also expecting this and therefore organised the ‘DRC-Africa Business Forum’ in 2021, in collaboration with the ‘UN Economic Commission for Africa’, with the main objective of bringing together global high-level stakeholders to engage in dialogue, identify opportunities and facilitate investments to increase Africa’s share in the Battery, EV and Renewable Energy Value Chain.
We (KCM) are opening the doors including for this type of investment, in the DRC.

Main sector 2: Renewable Energy.

The Congo River, whose basin extends on both sides of the equator, provides the DRC with an exploitable Energy Potential  estimated at 100,000 MW, spread over 780 sites in 145 territories (counties) and 76,000 villages. This potential represents about 37% of Africa's total potential and about 6% of the world’s potential.
The DRC can supply the whole of Africa with electricity.
The DRC also has significant potential in Renewable Energy Resources such as biomass, wind, solar, biogas, biofuels, etc.

Main sector 3: Agriculture.

The DRC has 80 million hectares of arable land, and favourable climatic conditions for year-round farming.
The country is as big as the whole of Western Europe. It can feed the whole of Africa.
The current Government has set itself the goal of making agriculture, along with the Food Industry, the nr. 1 sector of the DRC’s economy, replacing mining, which currently holds that position.

Main sector 4: Forestry.

The DRC's diverse and vast potential also includes the fact that the rainforest of the Congo Basin is ‘the first lung of the earth’. It only is the second largest rainforest in the world in terms of size, after the Amazon in South America, but it captures more Greenhouse Gas Emissions than the Amazon.
In addition, the rainforest of the Congo Basin is one of the most important in the world in terms of global environmental protection because of its rich biodiversity.

Why team up with KCM to discover and invest in the DRC ?

We are a competent and diverse team of young and motivated entrepreneurs, with a network that reaches to the highest levels of Business and Government in the DRC. We also have a network in Europe with high level contacts in politics, business and the judiciary.
We have very good knowledge of the DRC: its economy, politics, culture and history.
We have intercultural competence in our team, which enables us to move comfortably in both European and DRC culture.

We accompany and advise European investors, and those from elsewhere, who want to invest in the DRC, in order to benefit from the country's economic potential. We offer them access to attractive Business Opportunities in various sectors such as mining, energy, agriculture, and more. We support them in Market Entry Strategy, Business Partnering, Contract Negotiation, Project Implementation and Risk Mitigation.